Gamefowl Pointing Feed Components and Beneficial Functions – Pointing Series Part 1
Pointing is the set of activities where the gamecocks potential are fine-tuned. Pointing is a high value skill that you can learn by study, practice and observation. Whereas properly pointing gamefowls maximize the inherent capability to the most extreme possible (peak point) for a good show, whereas poor pointing ruins it all.
You may wanna read Gamefowl conditioning feeds and feeding before reading this Pointing Series.
Pointing Feed Composition (Components)
One by one each composition are tackled with each purpose and other effects so handlers may choose the components freely. Keep in mind the author use different combinations of these components varying the availability, with the same objective met regarding the feed. The combo must provide high-power energy for different stages of the fight, initial, mid and drag.
Base feed
Some of these feed composition are needed in the last days of the keep(pointing). But for accustomization purposes, many had practiced including it as early as possible.
Germinated Seeds – Removal
Please do refrain from using germinated seeds when comes pointing. Germinated feedstuff is not that necessary during this last days to fight time, the thing needed this time are more to the energy side of the feedstuff.
The primary feed components which basically gives a bit more than the regular energy needed for the day, because of the carboloading.
As mentioned before in conditioning feeds and feeding. Corn is the best ingredient for carboloading (in principle and in practice as well, as most seen in Pro handlers), and will consist most of the feed. Corn will give the energy needed even the fight turn to a drag. Soaking corn is appropriate, particularly in conditioning, even hot soaking corn is better in the latter days of pointing .
Mixed Grains Concentrate
As for the ready mixed grains that makes the 10-20% of the feed, some of the grains in the mixture are removed comes the last 5 days. These are the dark-colored grains together with the jockey oats.
The dark ones are removed because in the pointing activities examining colors of the droppings is included, and this dark-colored grains may mislead your assessment of the droppings and therefore the gamecock.
Wheat are needed up to fight day. Wheat gives a fair ammount of moisture that helps maintain the breast of the battlecock on fight time. Furthermore the benefit that most don’t know about this, is it is one of the grains that consists the amino acid for ATP production. Which the author really want to stablish energy with.
Oat groats
The oats needed are dehulled, oat groats or rolled oats. Oats are the second choice grain for carboloading, richer in energy and easier to digest than corn, but contains more fat than corn. Actually oats (dehulled) can dispute corn for the best carboloading grain, specially when the fights is nearer.
Again the main use of hardboiled eggwhite is to add (and balance) moisture to the feed. It is because eggwhite, may be high in crude protein but, contains only few amino acids. To complete the amino acid composition the gamecock needed for the fight( Interms of ATP), beef are needed to the diet (see energy systems).
Conditioning (Power) Pellets
Conditioning pellets are also needed to boost the protein of the whole diet as it contains 20 to 24 CPs.
Additional benefits are Conditioning Pellets are portified with nutrients for the gamecocks muscu-skeletal reflexes, some are to promote and some are not to hinder the full and quick contraction and expansion of muscles.
Added to this, conditioning pellets usually contains vitamins, minerals and other compounds that helps regarding bodily functions on trainining anto fight day. Such as eye sight, mental attributes such as alertness and focus, that maybe lacking from the concentrate grains.
Pointing Feed Add-ons and Enhancers
Pointing Pellets
In the late 90s Pointing pellets are introduced for a refined results. Even it actually gives better capabilities to the roosters and it is the only pointing pellet on the market, it eventually went out on the market.
A few conclusions that the author have are, people at that time thought like, applying it was a bit complicated or simply they just like things very simple. Which maybe why the results of their cockfighting activities is also simple.
Additionally this pointing pellets are expensive, which most hobbiest don’t like, because of the added balancing protein and other nutrients provided for a good show. Little did the people know, Pointing Feeds are actually expensive.
It is just a fact that getting that highest peak of energy at fight time for the gamefowl is just expensive. Take a lok at the following Pointing feed enhancers. These are all used by big boys, effective in actual performance backed by scientific information and principles.
Royale Jelly Granules
First I encounter this pointing supplement is on 5 Cock Concerts of big boys in early 2000s. The late handler Eddie, one of the greats, uses this. Being not a fan of just copying but needs the founding principle why the feed seems benefecial before doing things. Below is what the author found out.
Royale Jelly contains a balance ratio of protein and carbohydrates, in minimum amount of fats. Added primary benefit is a quick and steady assimilation of energy. Its like an insurance system for energy during fight day.
Pls. be reminded that this is different from bee pollen. (The author personally prefer this than bee pollen.)
Bee Pollen Granules
As Stein, C. puts it, Bee pollen gives a burst of energy because of the 22 amino acids on it. Remember, the power we need on the initials salvo is from ATP energy.
ATP is derived from 8 amino acids which could not be found altogether in grains, even on eqg white. More on this on energy systems article.
These 8 amino acids could not be found together on grains alone, even on egg white. We need to combine some grains, egg white and beef.
Additionally half of the amino acids in bee pollen are in free form, meaning half of it is ready-available energizer.
Natural honey is composed of 38.5% fructose, 31% glucose, 12.9% other sugars. The quick description of it’s sugars is a good combination of quick-acting and long-acting energy fuels that is benefecial on fight day and trainings.
It also acts as binder, particularly if the handler is not using other fluids like milk or juice.
A side story of honey in pointing is, a respected handler with 12 straight wins with 1 draw and straight winds again on 5-stag big fights as his career best(14.5 out of 15), uses honey. The author will never forget the said winning streak because it beaten the author’s best 13 points out of 15, having 9 straights with 2 draws, broken by a loss before continuing the winnings on a very identical event fighting with the big boys. 14.5 versus 13, a very outstanding achievement vs a very impressive score.
Beef are added to the pointing with a given time to be digested. It is added to complete the necessary amino acids to build creatine for the early blows of the fight. Actually, beef alone is already complete with the combo of the particular amino acids for ATP generation. See energy systems for more.
Pls. be reminded that beef takes time to be assimilated. give it time to be digested. It cant be used as a point-extender.
Dried Raisins
Raisins are added on the feed for two reasons to add some dextrose and fiber to the diet. The fiber helps to clear out the guts for a better athleticism of the chickens. Of course dextrose of the raisin adds some sugar, glucose and some sucrose for the energy for the fight. It is also noted that many handlers do add raisin up to the correcting pointing feed (last correction or extending the peak point feeding (snacks)).
Oat Meal
Oat meal are used to avoid a stag to feel hungy. As some have tend to do so. Oat meal are given to prevent this but at the same time it does not feel heavy to the gamecoks system, not to lose the quickness and athleticism of the gamefowl. It also extend the peak point of the gamefowl in terms of energy as it shoots some sugar to the system.
Wheat Germ
This is the same as oat meal with just additional benefits on the energy side, particulary on proteins.
The author’s preferred snack for the gamefowl. Components of a great peak scheduling or extending snack are altogether in this magnificent fruit. See snack part for more informaiton.
As fruits are good snack for the gamecock near fight time. Apple is one of the fruits that are good to use. The issues the author sees with apple are apples are high in sucrose and two apple are a bit acidic. Sucrose takes time to be converted to simple sugars, meaning it is not the best sugar to use for a cock fight’s early salvos. Apples are a bit acidic that banana are better as bananas are basic.
Dextrose Powder
These dextrose ameliorants are obvious. It adds insurance that the gamecock have energy on the fight time. Sugars on the blood do shoots up and down, it really fluctuates. One reason of this flactuation are the wrong timing of administration of this dextrose additives. It also makes the gamecock to be wattery thus making them sluggish, aside from making them to bleed more.
Dextrose Drops
See Dextrose Powder
Rice basically the same as the dextrose additives but with lesser energy than the latter. The main use of rice is it could be the best pointing aid (in abscence of dextrose ameliorants) in times of trouble such as unexpected delay of fight with the battlecock is already on its peak.
Pointing Procedures
This article already discussed the components that makes the best pointing feed. Next we will discuss the procedures of Pointing Procedures on Part 2 of the Pointing Series.
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is a team of talented and passionate people. Collaborated and united to form their best and optimized standard principles and methodologies regarding current and future gamefowl arts and disciplines.
4 thoughts on “Gamefowl Pointing Feed Components and Beneficial Functions – Pointing Series Part 1”
I am interested to read your Part 2 of Pointing techniques. Thank you.
When is the part 2 of pointing proper? So educational to me as a beginner of this exciting sport
great info, where can we find part 2?
Great info. Thanks a lot. You have any books for pointing.