Articles - Diseases And Management
Gamefowl diseases, symptoms, treatments, prevention and management.
How to Make Oriental Herb Nutrient (OHN)
Oriental Herb Nutrient are used as immune boosters… Materials Used… Garlic… Ginger… Procedures… Direction for use….Mix 2 tbsp of the extract…
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Fowl Cholera
Fowl Cholera… Cause… Transmission… Clinical Signs… Farmhands Instructions… Diagnosis… Treatment and Control…
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Infectious Coryza… Signs – Swelling around the face, foul smelling, thich sticky discharge… Prevention… Treatment… Differentiation…
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Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD)
[Chronic Respiratory Disease is an advance] manifestation of Mycoplasma gallisepticum… Transmission… Signs… Prevention… Treatment… aproach..
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Coccidiosis –This is a parasitic disease of the intestinal tract, it is why blood could be seen on the droppings […]
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Cannibalism is a vice that occurs in young gamefowls. The habit starts from feather or toe pecking due to overcrowding… to prevent this bad habit…
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Antibiotics on the Ready-to-Fight Gamefowls
Antibiotics carries water. So if the antibiotics isn’t withdrawn on the time of pointing. Basing the body moisture of the gamefowl on the droppings…
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Antibiotic Families
Antibiotic Rotation – A good practice to rotate antibiotic families/classes whenever treating gamefowl ailments. Rotation of antibiotic classes will…
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